11 Videos102 minutes


In this course you will learn how to do different types of shuffles: forward, sideways, fans etc. Starting with the basic technique and gradually progressing and adding more texture and shape. You will practice shuffles on different counts, in different kinds of basic – uphold and downhold, travelling and on the spot – as well as get some tips and ideas for styling and musicality.


14 Videos108 minutes

Brushes & sweeps

How can the foot exit the floor? What if we imagine that our feet are 2 brushes and practice doing different strokes on the floor canvas? In this course you are going to explore different parameters of these “brushstrokes” – size and shape, timing and direction, find out the border when a brush turns into a sweep, play with different combos, spice it up with syncopations.


13 Videos101 minutes


In this course you will learn how to add a triple step in your pure bal basic. There will be ideas how you can play with different rhythms without using counts. On top you will get some inspiration from the old timers. Classes include: basic technique, triple steps in the uphold and downhold basic, different combos, Maxie Dorf basic, pull back and forward triples, other syncopated variations.


18 Videos120 minutes

Heels & Toes

This course is about using toes and heels to create different footwork variations. You are going to play with a great amount of wiggles, pivots, taps, drops, flicks, dots – all these cool textures. Accenturate and syncopate. Do a lot of drills. Throw in a few jazz steps into the basic. So heel or toe? Both! Lets find out together what can be done with them.


14 Videos84 minutes

Kicks & kick ball changes

In this course you will learn how to do various types of kicks in pure balboa: single, double, triple, long and short, with and without syncopation, kick ball changes…In different types of basic, on different counts. There will be challenging unusual combinations and rhythms, some oldtimers’ inspiration. And lots of practice, practice, practice.



How about challenging yourself with throwing in a few crosses in Pure Balboa? In this course you will get plenty of ideas how to play with these advanced variations and combine them with things you have already learnt in the previous classes.

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